Thursday, September 12, 2013

Fort Ord Dunes State Park

September 2, 2013

It was another beautiful day, a little bit cooler than the past two days, but still warm and sunny. Charles and I decided to take a walk on the trail near our home in Marina, between Highway 1 and the sand dunes.  We have seen this trail many times when we drove on Highway 1, but did not get a chance to visit until today!

Following the iPhone map, we drove to the 2nd Avenue, and turned right to the 8th Street, which should have led us directly to the trail. But, we discovered the 8th Street and several other streets between the 1st Avenue and the 2nd Avenue were still blocked due to many abandoned (Ford Ord) barracks.  So, we had to drive South to Divarty Street, and then turned around to go North on the 1st Avenue to access the latter par of the 8th Street leading to the trail.

It was totally worth the drive! The parking was easy and plenty, and the trail was absolutely fantastic, long and beautiful with the sand dunes and beach nearby. While walking on the trail, we could not help but move closer and closer to an interesting canyon (Pic # 1).

Pic # 1: Canyon Without a Name

Forget about walking on the well-maintained trail, let's check out the canyon and see to where it would lead us (Pic # 2).

 Pic # 2: Rubee Standing on the top of the Canyon

Of course, the canyon was formed by water and the water poured into the ocean!  Voila! Look at the beautiful beach below (Pic # 3)!

Pic # 3: Beach at the Mouth of the Canyon

I had to go down there! Who wouldn't?  "Charles, I am coming down... Catch me!" (Pic # 4)

Pic # 4: Rubee's Coming Down to the Beach!


  1. Hi Rubee, Your photos are so beautiful and the ocean irresistible. I love your "Catch Me!"

    I was just in Skagway hiking in the forest next to a raging river.

    I don't think there is a better way to get exercise, vitamin d or fresh air.

    1. Hi, Julia, I agree with you 100%! I have been thinking to visit Alaska someday. Hopefully, soon!
